Has your property been hit with graffiti? Before you attempt a DIY job or hire a graffiti removal company, here is everything you need to know about how to remove graffiti from brick. 


How I Remove Graffiti From Brick

In my arsenal, I have a specific removal agent that is designed to remove graffiti from brick by. After an appropriate dwell time, the surfactant is then rinsed off using a hot water power washer. Depending on the age of the graffiti, type of paint used and thickness of the application, additional coats may be required to complete the removal.


Why This Removal Method Works

Due to the porous nature of brick, it’s not just the paint on the surface that you have to contend with. 

When the paint is applied, it gets drawn into the pores of the brick. If not removed properly, you will still see remnants left behind. This is referred to as a shadow. Designed to penetrate deep into the brick, my removal product of choice draws the paint out and eliminates residual shadowing.

It’s important to note that the chemical alone is not enough. You need the right equipment as well. Without the right combination, you might remove the top layer but you won’t get rid of all the paint. 


How Not To Remove Graffiti From Brick

After over a decade of successful removals, I can confidently tell you the method I mentioned above is the best way to remove graffiti from brick while preserving the surface below. 

Abrasive techniques like sandblasting or even too strong of a tip may etch or damage the brick so care and attention is needed.

Here’s an example of the type of damage that can be left behind. As you can see, the paint is gone, but the etching is a permanent reminder of what once was.

Image of etching left behind from improper graffiti removal techniques

In my opinion, painting over the brick is also not recommended. Unless you’re going to paint the whole building, simply painting over the graffiti is cutting unnecessary corners and leaving behind a less than aesthetically pleasing finished product.


Things That Impact Graffiti Removal

When approaching graffiti removal on brick surfaces, there are many things to consider including:

  • – Age of the tag
  • – Exposure to elements like sun
  • – Type and colour of paint used
  • – Thickness of application
  • – Age, type and condition of the brick
  • – Temperature and weather conditions


When graffiti is exposed to the elements, like sun, it can bake the paint into the surface, making it more tedious to remove. Additionally, the style and condition of the brick impact the difficulty of the job. For example, red brick is significantly easier to remove from than yellow brick, and grey bricks tend to hold more moisture, which makes it look wet and incomplete for much longer than other types of brick.

Weather is also a contributing factor. While it’s not impossible to remove in the colder months, the products used work optimally when the weather is above freezing.